Werra Literature Pack
Gunnebo UK distributed a wide range of fencing products through its trade focused Werra brand. A brand that had relative success in the marketplace despite having marketing material that was inaccurate, dated and unattractive. Hence, Werra required new marketing material which involved a complete rebrand. This material involved the creation of new product literature, product CD, folders, stationary and a pop up exhibition stand. Such elements all required the creation of a new Werra product image library.
As with all my marketing projects at Gunnebo, I managed this project from the concept stage to the final print stage. Firstly, consideration was given to the differing needs of the two primary users (e.g. the reseller and the end user). Hence, key resellers were consulted as part of the background research process. This would ensure higher buy in and project success rates. Secondly, I worked with the design agency to create a new concept for the Werra brand. Thirdly, I sourced the technical product information and then wrote the brochure copy.
Whilst the artwork was being generated, I organised and participated in creating the new product image library. These images were essential in designing the literature pack that contained product datasheets, a product DVD and a complimentary folder.
Looking back, Gunnebo assessed the project through the number of reseller appointments, new customers and converted sales orders. The desired results showed that the new Werra literature achieved its strategic objectives (brand awareness, brand perception and sales).